Capt. Pawan Kumar, SC
His last Facebook status goes as :
"Kisi ko reservation chahiye toh kisi ko azaadi, bhai hume toh kuch nahi chahiye bas apni razaai." 1/n
Bhagat singh died at 23 for his nation,
Neerja died at 23 for her passengers,
But the Youth today at 23 are dying for reservation.
But Dear Pawan, not you. You are class apart. You stood for what you believed in. You never said I won't go in. 2/n
You fought to lead. You fought to be ahead. You carried your coursemates, their weapons, their packs and ran ahead, lead from the front in Greenhorn , Rovers, Torna, Bhadraj and Chindits alike. You were class apart- liked by seniors, adored by juniors and loved by coursemates 3/n
Its enraging and depressing as to what is happening. This young boy of 23 way ahead of his years fighting for his country when his own locality is burning for reservation ! He never stopped to think he should get a leeway, get something extra. 4/n
If he wanted it he got it, he earned it. Hallmark of a true warrior. Our nation is a paradox. Youngsters at JNU and Jat stir holding the nation hostage and a Jat youngster with degree from JNU repaid his debt in full measure to his motherland. 5/n
A typical ex-NDA ! Dear brother today you etch your name in the hallowed portals of 'Hut-Of-Rememberance'. You join the league of Manoj Pandey, Arun Khetrapal and Sandeep Unnikrishnan. You have that proud privilege my friend. 6/n
You will inspire a million generations to come. Lima Squadron trained you but you will teach a million spartans who will join the National Defence Academy in the centuries to come.7/n
When I say, I speak on behalf of 118-128. All of us who had the proud privilege and the sacred honour of being in the great institution during the same era as you were. We have all become purer by your virtue. You did your duty without flinching even once. 8/n
You upheld the institution.
"Service Before Self" is what you believed in and is what you did.
'It is the soldier, not the reporter who has given us the freedom of press. It is the soldier, not the poet, who has given us the freedom of speech. 9/n
It is the soldier, not the campus organiser, who gives us the freedom to demonstrate.
It is the soldier who salutes the flag, who serves beneath the Flag, whose coffin is draped by the Flag and
who allows the protester to burn the Flag.' 10/n
Dear countrymen, think, please! Let us all be the citizens worth fighting for.
For we shall have Bhagat Singhs, Khetrapals, Vikram Batras, Hanumanthappas and Pawans. But let us honour them. Lest we forget.
Poor is a nation that does not have any heroes. 11/n
Pathetic is the one that having them forgets.
Rest In Peace dear brother. You are a ' Legendary Lion' in the truest sense.
“गिरते हैं शह-सवार ही
मैदाने जंग में
वो तिफ्र क्या गिरेगें
जो चलते हैं घुटनों के बल पे।”
Seva Parmo Dharma.
Jai Hind. 12/12
Archived dated February 2018. Credits to the anonymous course-mate.
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