Now she's pushing that 2004 Ohio conspiracy theory, which is not helping when the GOP is attacking election integrity.

One version of that theory hinged on a dude I went to college with photoshopping his company logo onto a folder carried by Carl Rove, as an April Fool's prank.
The company thought it would be funny to stick the photoshopped version of the photo of Carl Rove in Chattanooga on the company's blog, and because they did web hosting for some GOP something or other, somebody at Daily Kos saw it and ran with it as the Ohio smoking gun.
Oh, and the hilarious part of that whole thing is that the company had a vaguely religious-sounding name, which was actually based on the founder's last name, but the conspiracy theorists concluded that it was proof that it was a right wing company stealing Ohio for Bush.
So yeah, when J*nnifer C*hn is trotting out that old Ohio 2004 conspiracy theory again, could people please finally see that she's a conspiracy theorist hack who exists to sow confusion and doubt about election integrity, not a legit election security researcher.
The reason it looked like Kerry was leading Ohio in 2004, only for him to fall behind in the count, is the exact same reason Trump looked like he was leading Pennsylvania and Georgia. They hadn't tabulated the results in Bush-leaning precincts yet.
And to be honest, trotting out this particular conspiracy theory now, right as Trump is trying to make the same baseless arguments, is making me question whether she's not just a conspiracy theorist but a bad faith actor who simply chose strategically to sow doubt from the left.
I understand why there were so many 2004 Ohio voting machine conspiracy theories, but as this Mother Jones article from 2005 gets at, the actual fuckery in Ohio looks to have the usual GOP suppression efforts, and the voting machine claims are flimsy.
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