I think Bill Gates has a vision of the future. He does what he does from an ideological perspective. He has said he thinks there are too many people in the world and it causes poverty. I tend to agree.

What better way to control population than a global vaccine given every year
Wherever Covid-19 came from, a global virus was going to come along at some point.

Being able to take advantage of that was something Bill wanted. He was well placed. He has a finger in every pie.

All that fear? That came from many of the organisations he funds.
Others jump on the bandwagon.

The primarily left wing media that we see in the West want to see everyone digitally monitored, tagged, using virtual money.

Meanwhile they make massive amounts of money be fuelling fear (government is largest advertiser right now).
What better to have a vaccine that “controls” a virus everyone is scared of. It needs to be given every year because of “mutations”. People don’t want to be in lockdown again so they take it.

Anything could be put in it over many years. Or not. But the possibility is there.
And finally, if most western countries were not enforcing the wearing of masks and the media was not full of Covid-19 news, would you look around you and think there was a “deadly pandemic”?

Would you see people dying in the streets, in their beds, hospitals overloaded?
This is the sort of thread that Labour Party and Democrats do not want you seeing.

They don’t want you asking questions. They prefer that Twitter and other social media platforms ban this.

Why? Shouldn’t everyone be able to question the motivations behind political decisions?
Someone has asked why not just let Covid-19 run its course to reduce population.

Because it is not a “deadly virus”. It would have no major impact on global populations. About 1% of the population dies every year of something. This year is no different.

It is no Ebola. Or MERS.
I am not suggesting for one minute that you do not take any vaccine. Or even this one.

You should be responsible for what combination of drugs you put in your body.

I think vaccines have changed the world for the better.

But an annually repeated vaccine taken by everyone?
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