Chairman Election (HxH) is one of my favorite arcs in anime/manga and a strong 10 for me. Will try to explain why I love it so much.
First of all, it gives us a "back to home" feeling. After experiencing so much dark and heavy stuff in CA arc we needed smth fun. We saw characters that weren't in CA back and characters that were in CA finally ending this dark and emotionally exhausting journey.
Hisoka was really awesome in this arc. He played a great role in creating this "back to home" feeling. We finally saw our pedo clown doing his things after 60 eps of CA. He provided much needed fun in his way.
The other thing Election arc did was showing us the corruption in HxH's world. Pariston is such a uniquely and amazingly crafted character. He loves to manipulate people and crush them. He finds pleasure in hurting people whom he loves and showing the corrupted side of HxH.
Leorio beautifully contrasts that in the arc. He shows how much he loves his friends and want to help them. He shows the hope in the corrupted world of HxH. Him punching Ging and meeting Gon are so emotional and great scenes.
The next thing this arc does is developing the Zoldyck Family members and showing how each member sees Alluka. The best example is Illumi. The arc shows his twisted love for Killua and his family. A scene that perfectly shows his character is where he wants to die and Killua -
will feel guilty and return to his family. He wants to gain control over Alluka as he sees her (?) as a threat to the family. So, he loves Killua and his family with all his heart but has a twisted way to show it.
This arc was really amazing for Killua. His character arc beautifully ended in this arc. 147 is one of my favorite anime episodes. Gon and Killua's farewell is so beautiful and amazing. Killua finally being an "equal" to Gon, finally has a purpose in his life. Him teasing Gon -
that he owes him so he finally has self worth and equal to Gon and now he has something more important in life then being a friend of Gon.
Election also does so much to Gon's character. His interactions with Ging, "Kite" and Killua shows that he has grown and learned from what he did in ep 131. Another thing I loved is how he was helping people in first ep when he started his journey and in the last ep he was-
helping a person while climbing the world tree to meet Ging. Ging himself is so amazing. He is the personification of the main theme of the series. "You should enjoy little detours" is the most iconic line of the series, it perfectly ties the narrative of the series.
This theme was showed by some other characters as well in the arc. Pariston showing this theme in his own twisted way by valuing the joy of crushing people more than being chairman. Killua having this goal of traveling with Alluka and enjoying these little detours.
So, in short this arc does so many amazing things to the world of HxH and the characters. And so many emotional moments that I had to give it a 10.
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