I’m reading an article about Black Salvadorans in El Salvador. It says that women in El Salvador make up 53% of the population (vs 47% of men) but it flips when you focus on the Black population (46% vs 54%).
Overall there are more women in the country but there are less Black women not only in the population overall but also in their own communities. What does it mean to be a Black women in El Salvador?
It’s literally only Black people too. I’m curious to know if:
-Black women are less likely to self-identify as Black?
-Do Black women go through excruciating circumstances to make up less ok the population (i.e. misogynoir)
Also interesting to point out is that Black women are less likely to come from regions ravaged by war including Chalatenango, San Miguel, & Morazan.
My conclusion is that Black women in El Salvador might’ve faced more violence compared to others & this now ( or date of article) make up the least of the population. wow.
Here’s the table
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