Big science ed. company wanted me to take down my content in Feb. to rep them bc I was "too urban" for their audience as I was. I said NO I'm not compromising my identity for money. Now I'm on @FortuneMagazine's 40 Under 40 List & have 10x as many followers. NOW they call ME back
Why come to me if you want the fake version of who I am?

Now you see that people value me as ME, you change your mind. Kiss my third digit and take an elevator to Earth's basement.

Diversity isn't just my skin color. You get ALL of me. EVERYTHING about me I bring to the table.
Their logic was **LITERALLY** "we only respect white ppls money and you're not *white* enough to be our spokesperson but we want to fake our diversity so how about you, a whole Black woman, erase your identity to fit in with the white folks and make us more money." 😬😬😬YIKES.
This is 2020. People are STILL asking Black people to do this in 2020. WE ARE **TIRED** and not doing this anymore. Keep passing up our talent, you'll take a front seat to watching us go make big moves on our own or with companies that invest in us and truly understand diversity.
I'm done talking now 😌
Not done. Black culture has been appropriated monetized by society but I can't embrace my OWN culture and must drop it at the door for YOU to make money. What?? In science, where Black ppl are underrepresented and could widely benefit from having a relatable role model? Get out.
All year this situation had been playing in the back of my head. Every move I made to be my unapologetic self was to really make a SPACE for others to do the same. I wanted to lead as an example of what it can look like to be successful as your unapologetic Black self in STEM.
So every award I get, I'm bragging about it LOUD because I know EXACTLY WHO THOUGHT that society does not value people like me. I'm letting EVERYBODY KNOW that I came into this space authentically and look at that-- the world didn't end. We laughed, learned, and smiled together.
Okay I am potentially done speaking now but probably not
I have a meeting with them this week. This ain't a secret and they're going to hear ALL of what I have to say and they're going to now pay me at least 10x what I was worth before because my price has gone up exponentially this year. They should have gotten it right the first time
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