I hate this because it's a completely one sided take that ignored how many minority communities have seen themselves in Marvel.

Not everyone sees these movies and thinks, "Lemme go shoot people.". That's not on minorities who had a whole awakening to Black Panther. https://twitter.com/proustmalone/status/1328398012855373824
And that's movie doesn't exist without the whole of MCU.

A whole generation was introduced to a Captain America that didn't make them think "Fuck yea America!", but "Fuck yea, friends and integrity."

Stop taking what white guys have done and penalizing the rest of us with it.
Cause if it was up to a punch if us it would me a while bunch of Miles Morales, Shuri, Storm and every single PoC character we can find.
It's really starting to feel like revenge for something being popular, cause no one had social commentary on it when Daredevil was the latest Marvel movie.

Let some other people have a go at the empire.
Also let's talk about this dig at "fourth grade writing".

There's literally award winning writers with Marvel comic and screenwriting credits.

So, really what your doing is trying to infantile it to make it easier to mock.
I guess it's more acceptable to like shows like Umbrella Academy that center around a broken family that gaslights each other and does the whole

"so what if we grew up as siblings but it's cool we're adults so let's fuck."

So much better 🙄
Also the actual greatest military industry is the US public school system.

They've used poverty and wayward kids as a way to bolster their ranks for years. And that includes dead ass LYING to kids about whee they'll stationed.

But sure. MCU.
Maga parades look like a damn Call of Duty cosplay contest.

But yup.

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