5.2M Texans voted for Biden
150K South Dakotans...but that's still more than a third

Safety and good governance are not just for one party, for which we should all be grateful, but I'm particularly angry to see people react to food bank lines in Texas with "they voted Trump."
It's not right. But it's also not true.

I know that having a major political party that acts like safety and good governance are for NOBODY is terrible. Believe me, I know. But we can't let it lead to ideological tests for humanitarian aid.
Sometime in the next four years there will be a tornado in a "red state." Even in a "red region" of a state.

The people who are hit by that tornado will need federal aid, and it will be right to make sure they get it.

Same thing for hurricanes. Earthquakes. All of it.
"We need to be better than that" doesn't mean smiling and nodding at bigotry--quite the opposite.

But it does mean making sure that there are trailers, MREs, space blankets, spare underpants for people whose entire town has been flooded.
If this horrible pandemic teaches you nothing else, let it teach you that bad governance in one region affects us all. And keep working for better, and for humanitarian aid whenever needed, always.
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