I'm pretty sure I'm not the only creator who has this experience, but I've noticed that even if I work many hours a day, I'm only creative a few hours a day, and the rest is labor, as in I am executing, but not creative. Harder to do thumbnails than to paint all day, that is.
For the people who didn't get it: I'm not saying that all the joy is wrung out of art after a few hours a day, I'm saying the truly creative part of art is only possible for many in a short period of time per day. The rest is entirely technical. Refinement. Labor. This is not...
to say it isn't fun, or arting or whatever. It is the rendering, or the detail work, already done in your head, or established in that prelim. But all things came from the prelim. I can spend an hour or more just trying to get that initial idea down, the rest is refinement.
I already know the sky will be blue, I already designed that dress. I did that layout. The creative heavy lifting is in the first ideas,the foundation for everything else. The rest is laborious. Labor is not a pejorative.
I do my layouts and writing either in silence or while listening to soothing music. But while painting or drawing, I can watch tv, because different areas of my attention are engaged at different levels depending on how far down the rabbit hole my mind goes for different tasks.
I reserve certain kinds of art tasks for down days or down times: spotting blacks, flatting colors, detail work, drawing leaves or patterns, etc. Craft/labor that doesn't require my brain to fire on all cylinders. All of these are necessary to my work, but they are not creative.
A good arting day: stay off net early in day - it is mentally/emotionally draining. Exercise first, it makes me relaxed and able to focus. Stretch periodically throughout day: yoga mat in office. I often do my best writing late at night when I'm getting sleepy.
Paradoxically, I know many writers (including me) who work well in coffee shops/airports. Something about the murmuring noise that forces us to focus I guess? Dunno.
Also as kids, many creatives made art to escape real world stress and that escape made us what we are, while as adults, real world stress keeps us from making art, some kinda mindhole mess, because it not only keeps you from creating, it keeps pros from making a living. Ouch.
Yeah all artists/teachers give advice, some of it you don't like, it's fine, you work your way. Just because someone doesn't like your tool or has different habits, well if it doesn't work for you, fine, go do something else, there are no art police. Do what you like.
I'm also trying to tweak my habits again since my brain became mush due to worldwide angst so hope this helps. Art is supposed to be good for you, and labor isn't bad. Labor is noble and empowering when it works for you and others. So go make art. Your way. End Tweet Storm.
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