Remember when 9/11 happened and we had to give up our liberties and privacy for the “safety” of the Nation? And we all did so under the guise of “Patriotism”? What do you think this CoVid bullshit was really about? Like 9/11 it was a “necessary” scare event to drastically...
... expedite the plans of the DS. I told you guys before that when Trump won in 2016 it basically made Obama’s eight years in office null and void. As in, everything they had been working and building towards under him, would’ve been finished and wrapped up by Hillary once she...
... took office. And we’d basically be right where we are now in one way, shape or form. Once they thought the Biden fix was a lock, the CoVid hoax began and it has lead us to this exact moment thus bypassing the Trump win and everything his administration has done in the last...
... four years. This CoVid nonsense is this generations 9/11. “Do what we tell you to do, Trust us. It’s for your own good”. Sound familiar? Those of us who lived through 9/11. Did what we were told. Accepted the Patriot Act as some great tool to battle terrorism, & are now the..
... ones SCREAMING at you to wake up. It’s a lie. It’s a false flag to quickly and quietly get YOU to submit. And it’s STILL WORKING. Far too many of you still continue to obey these absurd and completely ridiculous “mandates” set forth by the power crazed liberal leaders. I...
... couldn’t figure out why so many young 20 somethings continued to wear a mask everywhere they went. I’d watch and shake my head and wonder “how could they be so stupid and gullible?” But then I realized what this is. It’s 9/11 version 2.0. And these young and dumb kids are...
... doing exactly what we did some 19 years ago. So I beg you. All of you, to stand up and say ENOUGH to these CoVid lockdown scare tactics. How many more Governors and Senators and media members do you have to see disobeying and disregarding their own mandates before you put...
... two and two together? Why do they put masks on when the cameras are on, then take them off as soon as they think it’s off? Do you really think Joe Biden will have 8 people at his Thanksgiving dinner? How about Pelosi? Newsome? Cuomo? Any of them??? Of course not. Do as I...
... say, not as I do is their true mantra. And as long as you people continue to “Obey” they will continue to push and take more. Today they’re actually talking about canceling Christmas!!! No this is not a joke. They are serious and they are floating this idea to see just how...
... much WE will let them get away with. Enough is enough. People like me have been telling you since day one that there is no more danger with CoVid than there is with the flu. And low and behold 9 months later we are proven right, yet again. The fatality rates don’t lie my...
... friends. That’s why nobody talks about them. That’s why all you here about is “New Cases” as if it somehow matters. I told you guys months ago that the number of CoVid infections do not matter if the fatality rate DOESN’T change!!! And it hasn’t. Unless you’re 80 years old...
... and or in EXTREMELY poor health you have about a .004% chance of dying from CoVid. You need to understand this number and you need to understand what I’m telling you regarding the CoVid/9-11 parallels. You have been duped into giving up, not minor unseen freedoms like we...
... were some 19 years ago. No, you are giving up massive, god given rights like BREATHING under this hoax. The right to go outside. The right to spend time with whoever you want whenever you want. You are giving up these rights because people on the TV, “Experts” and morons...
... like Joe Biden are telling you it’s your “Patriotic Duty” to comply with these “reasonable measures”. Remember 15 days to slow the spread? THAT was barely reasonable. Yet here we are NINE months later and there is no end in sight. When they sense blood in the water, in...
... this case, freedoms you’re willing to give up. The sharks circle. And what does a shark do when they taste that blood? Do they say “Ok, I’m good!?” Or do they want and NEED more blood? Use your common sense. Listen to people like me who aren’t being paid millions to get you..
... to do what the “experts” say. Have the “experts” been right even once during this pandemic?? 3 million dead?? 15 days to slow the spread? Masks don’t work, don’t use them? No wait, masks do work wear one ALWAYS?! It’s been nothing but lie after lie masquerading as “science”..
... to scare the uninformed and the brain dead sheep. Wake up. Take back control!! If we all collectively said ENOUGH IS ENOUGH this CoVid bullshit would end in two weeks. But it’s up to YOU to make that decision. Do you not drive because you might die in a wreck? Do you not..
.. drink a beer because you might die of alcohol poisoning? Do you not go to the beach because you might die of a shark attack?? Of course not!! We make those choices every single day of our lives. And have FOREVER. There is a risk in EVERYTHING we choose to do. But...
... WE decide which risks we choose to take. NOT the Government. I’d love to skydive one day but guess what? I haven’t. Know why? I don’t want to plummet to my death at 350mph. Is that logically going to happen to me if I choose to go skydiving? Probably not. But that’s MY...
... personal right and decision to make. Not my Governors. Understand? There’s no difference in choosing to drive to work and choosing to not wear a mask. Except what the media would have you believe. Guess which one is 5000 times more likely to kill you tomorrow? Stand up....
... Take back control before it’s too late. Do your eyes and brain really tell you this CoVid Pandemic is worth everything they’ve taken from us? Are people dropping dead in the streets like some horror movie?? The answer is no. You’ve been duped and fed a bullshit narrative...
... from day one? Now ask yourselves why? Who has benefitted from this? Have you? Your kids? Your family? Yeah, mine neither. But rest assured SOMEONE somewhere has. And I’ll bet if you use your logic you can figure that one out on your own. Take a stand. End these lockdowns by..
... standing up for and DEMANDING your Constitutional Rights back. Do it now. Do it immediately. If you continue to sit silently while being shamed as you dare to complain, you will regret this year for the rest of your lives. Trust me on that one. #TAKEBACKCONTROL #FIGHTBACK
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