A @Canucks_Abroad appreciation thread:

Many people associate #CanucksAbroad with my name, mainly because I had originally founded @Fussball_eh, a small blog focused on Canadian soccer players in Germany, and then converted it to what you now know as @Canucks_Abroad. /1
First, I would like everyone to understand that I have long taken a back seat from the day to day and that @Canucks_Abroad now consists of a huge team of dedicated volunteers. I would like to take a moment to highlight each of our current contributors in no particular order. /2
There is @Wiesel_Flink, who is located in Eastern Germany, and has been with me from the very beginning and of course after the aforementioned rebrand. Marko is our research guru and is absolutely vital in helping us find crucial information, such as Canadian national team /3
eligibility. It also seems like he never sleeps and you can find him drafting tweets on all sorts of Canadian soccer topics around all hours of the day. At the beginning, he spoke limited English, but now he is comfortable in conversing and tweeting in it no problem! /4
@downtowntbrown_ who has stepped up countless times when I could not perform my “duties” due to illness and/or stress. Thomas is located in Western Canada and you probably all already know him. /5
I consider him equal parts in charge of @Canucks_Abroad as I am, and if I were hit by a bus tomorrow, I’d be comfortable in him taking over the reign. He also founded and manages @Division1A. /6
There is @langilleski who, like me, is in Ottawa. He religiously checks google alerts on a multitude of players and originally was supposed to focus on United Kingdom. But like many of us, he cares too much about Canadian soccer /7
and focuses on a ton of other players around the world too. Jordan is a family man, but always somehow finds the time to tweet on the go, check a score, or reply to comments. /8
There is @kdejestadion, part of the Canadian diaspora in the Czech Republic. His focus is supposed to be Eastern Europe and the Balkans, but like Jordan above, he also tweets about many other regions he has an interest in, such as the lower divisions of Italy. /9
Jameson can always be counted upon and often does very crucial database maintenance work, such as continuously going through the unattached tab and other often thankless tasks. /10
There is @oldguyeric who is situated in Portugal and naturally is responsible for the Iberian peninsula. We often draw on Eric to translate Portuguese media and we have relied on him for many years to tweet out results of Canadian soccer players in Portugal. 11/
There is @OscarAMelander who lives in Sweden and for years comprehensively covered Scandinavia. Not only did he enthusiastically keep track of the progress of Canadians abroad, Oscar has actually helped a few Canadians find a club in Europe. 12/
I am especially grateful for @carolynduthie, the only girl in our male-dominated group. Like Thomas, she also lives in Western Canada and if you are a Voyageur you probably know here anyway. 13/
Her contributions have led us to completely overhaul our database to enable us to be more comprehensive on the WOSO side. Carolyn puts countless hours into maintaining our (and her) database of female Canadian soccer players. 14/
@OwnGoalTheo, also in Ottawa, is a spreadsheet master, who actually helped me with my first baby steps creating the google document. To this day, Theo reliably updates our statistics, such as the international player caps, after a Canadian national team match has been played. 15/
There is @edwardhswong who you all know from creating the Canadian Megapatch on FM. Edward, who lives in the GTA (I think) luckily agreed to partner with us, so that we can benefit from each other’s massive databases. Recently Edward proofed and completed all L1O rosters. 16/
There is @saturnin55 who maintains and programs our @discord bot in @CanPLChat, that among other things, creates match day channels in our community. Mathieu is our only contributor in beautiful Quebec and also our PLSQ expert. 17/
Then there is @_ray_e, originally from the GTA but currently studying in Ottawa, and our most important mod on @CanPLChat. Ray has configured all of our discord roles, uploads customized emojis and ensures peace through level-headed moderation. 18/
There is @ThomasNef2, freshly studying sports broadcasting in Toronto, who has South American roots, and mainly conducts interviews with Canadian soccer players all over the world. Thomas is fluent in Spanish and helps us keep track of players in the Spanish-speaking world. 19/
Last, but very much not least, I would like to thank @bfque8, one of our newest contributors. Brandon was very enthusiastic and industrious from the get-go. Not only does he draft a daily schedule of all matches to be played every single day (!!!)... 20/
but Brandon also has picked up our slack to ensure that we can be as comprehensive as possible. He motivates us all to be better! 21/
There are many others, including newer contributors such as @_GideonHill and @viruk42 & long time friend @JohnnyStancati. Overall there are simply too many to name and I am sure I have forgotten some of you, or some of the important tasks you do. Please forgive me if I have. 22/
Please join me in recognizing these awesome altruistic individuals, who have bought into the vision of @Canucks_Abroad and sacrificed countless hours of their time. You are very much appreciated have made a significant impact on the Canadian soccer landscape. 23/
You can follow @Fussball_eh.
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