For some people, what’s standing in between them and what they want, is a lack of discipline. It may come in the form of not following through with tasks, not respecting their own rules or boundaries, constantly procrastinating or simply not doing what they know will help them.
Seeing as so many of you can relate to this tweet, I figured it might be helpful to address ways to tackle lack of discipline (providing the source isn’t something outside of your immediate control).
If you struggle with following through with tasks, it can be helpful to include rewards in your process. For example, “I’ll reward myself with some time to watch a movie once I’ve studied for two hours”. Asserting that you will reward yourself can be motivating for some people.
If you struggle with respecting your own rules or boundaries, it can be helpful to write them down. It’s even more helpful when they’re in a highly visible place like on a mini chalkboard or whiteboard in your bedroom. Regular visual reminders can really help.
Procrastinator? Try to get rid of distractions. If you know a certain environment is distracting for you, try to carry out tasks elsewhere. Incentives work too, as well as setting alarms - not one (because you’ll snooze it). Set multiple.
Another great tip includes telling people about the goal you want to reach. Sometimes our lack of discipline reduces when other people are there to hold us accountable. It’s harder to disappoint yourself when you know you’ll be disappointing someone else in the process.
Practicing self-love also underpins a lot of this.

You have to feel like you’re deserving, capable, and that the boundaries and rules you set for yourself are worth respecting.

Sometimes people lack discipline because deep down they don’t think they’ll achieve what they want.
I hope this helped! ❤️
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