I’m gonna explain why I’m a democrat now. I had voted for Reagan and for HW Bush. I may have even voted for W, after 9/11 as a sympathy thing. I wasn’t informed, I was sucked in by the constant Republican fear mongering that they have done my entire life.
With Reagan it was “The Russians, Carter will get us killed” Regan’s dead and Carter is one of the purest souls we have in the American lexicon. Since Obama became President I have immersed myself in politics, much to the chagrin of people in my life and people who like my comedy
. If I lost you, I don’t care. You are who I was, following party and dogma instead of facts. You’re gonna get us killed.
The republican party is actually the party of limited government, which sounds great, I’m sure Genghis Khan loved that there were no rules.
That’s what it comes down to. Rules. The Republicans want no rules, hell human nature wants no rules. I would love to go wild and start raping and pillaging but all I can do is get a tattoo that says that. So let’s break it down, based on evidence what the Republicans are about.
They don’t want you to vote. In America. Not wanting people to vote is every country we made fun of until Trump. They want to take your basic constitutional rights, They rig districts and votes. The GOP got a less of the vote than the dems did in 2018 and INCREASED their seats.
No Dem lost the popular vote and became president, just these weasel GOP fucks. If you're fine with that, you aren't American, you’re a totalitarian and you need to get out of my country. How’s that feel?
The republicans always want to cut education and increase military spending
Currently America spends more on the military than the next 7 largest countries combined, COMBINED! 700 BILLION a year on the Military, 90 Billion on education, Republicans.
“Children, they don’t vote, fuck em” BUT education is a National security and Economic security issue.
IF we have the BEST education, those kids will grow up to be inventors of the future, the economic engine that makes people around the World BUY FROM US. Great education will create breakthrough medical procedures, new tech. You rule history by advancing it, not blowing it up.
On top of that, the best educated minds will create the best WEAPONS, cyber, electronic, non lethal, it would also build an economy that would raise us all up and we wouldn’t have food lines, like we do now, under these fucking bully Republicans.
When it comes to poverty the Republicans BLAME YOU, you get that? As long as they are giving rich people more, they're doing their jobs. I keep hearing “I got a tax cut.” No, you didn’t. You got 40 bucks extra in your pay check and then lost your yearly refund. Did you notice?
You didn’t get a refund U got significantly less Guess who got a tax cut? ME. I’m incorporated. I got taxed 15% less. As the great DL Hughley said, “It’s bullshit but I’ll take the money.” Republicans sold it like they were helping you,“Come on, I'll just put in the tip” get it?
The republicans always want to TAKE THINGS AWAY, these are things that YOU pay for, social programs aren’t FREE. WE pay for them. YOUR tax money, and these humps are convincing you its getting stolen, while they steal it FROM you.
Health care is a perfect example.
They keep calling it socialism…. Okay AND? You mean like Australia, England, Norway, Sweden and Canada and every other country that doesn’t weigh down their citizens with bankruptcy at the end of their lives? The American system of healthcare is a constant transfer of wealth.
Let me map it out. We all die, right? So the health insurance industry is guaranteed a constant stream of customers who are afraid of getting all their money taken from them when (NOT IF) they get sick. Except insurance companies alway and constantly deny coverage YOU PAID FOR!
Satan hates his insurance company! What people don't get is REPUBLICANS are lying. A payment to your health insurance company, is a payment to politicians, Pharma & insurers gave congress, Dems AND Reps over 400 million dollars+ since 1999, that doesn’t count $ sent through PACS
Why'd an industry spend close to 1/2 a billion dollars on Congress? Because if they don't, we get healthcare, with models that work worldwide. Health care would still cost you, but you, couldn’t be denied, You get sick, you see a doc, but never panic about rates going up.
You'd get check ups regularly because YOUR TAXES paying for it, less than you payed BLUE CROSS PPE, sub plan c, that covers nothing. No co-pay, zilch. You think our system is working now? Health would be easy. We'd catch disease earlier. Because it's country wide it'd be cheaper
The republicans have been talking about healthcare for 10 FUCKING YEARS, nothing. That’s who you vote for? “Now that the tips in, I’m just gonna pump a couple times,K”
REP sell fear, Dems sell solutions. Let's give you a couple things Republicans have spread their bullshit across
INFRASTRUCTURE WEEK, where? Infrastructure weak as fuck, no wall, no stimulus, WHILE PEOPLE STARVE, waiting in food lines. Instead of having ANY POLICY that works. They point across the Aisle “Democrats bad, steal freedom, socialism, communism, too much taxes, DEMOCRATS SATAN!”
Yet, in the last hundred years, the economy has grown faster and longer under Democrats than Republicans, these are facts, please prove me wrong. The wages of workers and the poor have risen and guess what, the rich were still rich. Not AS rich but still rich as shit. Look it up.
In my life, Unions have been decimated and demonized by the powerful. Whenever the guy that owns everything says "Unions bad!" I stop and question that. But there is never enough money for the rich and powerful.
Republicans HATE unions. Cuz it makes business play fair and protect the people that make the business work. A fair trade off.
Republicans HATE regulations. Cuz business has to spend money so the water is drinkable, air is breathable and food doesn't give you a tumor before 30.
Republicans HATE to help. Food programs for seniors, mental health programs, (Reagan) preexisting conditions, now, even SOCIAL SECURITY is on the chopping block. People paid into it THEIR WHOLE LIVES and these republicans are gonna take it from me? I PAID FOR IT MOTHERFUCKERS!
The greatest trick Republicans ever played was convincing the working man that they were on his side, Reagan did that, an actor, now a reality TV charlatan did it again. Republican use the word “ELITES” Don't you want to be elite? They are, Mitch McConnell is worth 30 million,
Kelly Loeffler OWNS A FUCKING PRIVATE JET! That sound like you? As little as 4 years ago we had a President the righted the economy after W tanked it. But he was black, and the dark depths of racism rose up once again. Because Obama, is the best of us & he picked Biden, Get it?
You need to face that the division Trump brought to us, almost killed democracy. His presidency is the biggest failure in American history, in death toll, economy, worldwide reputation. But the stock market thrived, because Republicans take care of the real elites, Wall street.
The same people waiting in a line for a block of government cheese today believe that the Billionaire bankrupt baby pussy grabber and all the millionaires in congress, are on their side. With no proof, no evidence and no facts. n fact, just the opposite. Every time. Pathetic.
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