I'm a little in shock at how comfortable journalists are in shaming non-journalists who don't trust the media for valid reasons.

There are reasons your sources ask for this. Journalists (despite being told so) are not actually inherently owed everything without giving in return https://twitter.com/wudanyan/status/1328436496529952768
Personally, I think journalists are accountable and responsible to the community they're writing in first and foremost. I don't think we should accept the "rules" of journalism without question; we should question why we do them and who it serves when we do or don't do them.
Anyway, for the record, when I tweet shit out like this it's because it's something that I've learned—not something that I've just magically already known. I'm not the grand daddy of always being ethical I just ask questions as I see them and I work through them publicly.
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