piggy backing on this question/observation, a brief thread on things i've seen/done in the last few months in sydney that are pretty much just normal now: https://twitter.com/erinrileyau/status/1328252069640163328
- worn a mask on public transport (masks aren't universal, but they're pretty common)
- been on a bus that has refused passengers because they hit their covid limited capacity
- been told to get a second uber because there were too may of us for one (there were 4 of us)
- been temperature checked and given a mask when seeing a doctor
- been stopped at the door of a shop to be temperature checked and to use the hand sanitiser
- signed into a pub with pen and paper
- signed into many more pubs and restaurants with a QR code
- waited in line at an appropriate distance (this happens *everywhere* those printing companies who do the stickers you put on the floor to mark out the spacing must have made a killing)
- waited for another lift because four people were already in it
- been to church and signed in every time, and have seen people refused entry because the building cap was hit
- been to several football games where people were seated at a distance outdoors
anyway - these are all small things but add up to something pretty important. They make it easier for people to socially distance and make tracing easier in the event of an outbreak. That is covid-normal and it's sustainable if a vaccine is still a while away.
sorry to most of my followers for the covid tweeting, but without footy to tweet about i'm reduced to this.
TLDR: in sydney there's still limited numbers everywhere, you have to sign in everywhere, and they have things in place to encourage social distancing in shared spaces. that's covid normal and it's working.
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