why I'm passionate about talking about divestment culture // brief thread:

In summary, I used to follow divestment/level up culture and watch divestment/level up YouTube channels such as @ChrissiesWay.

Dun dun dun dun!!
I know, shocker. But long story and thread short, I used to think divestment/level up culture could help me on my black womanhood and femininity journey.
but at seeing youtubers such @ChrissiesWay quietly cosign divesters' devilish anti black man hatred plus divestment/level up culture's devilish backwards rigid and conformist standards of beauty, I stepped away from divestment culture.
After seeing so much demonic toxicity with divestment/level up culture, that's when God quickly opened my eyes and had me realize divestment/level up culture isn't for black women at all.
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