Just remembering a comment response from the live stream chat yesterday.
When we say "Globalist" we do NOT mean "Global trade" or othe innocuous economic situations. It's global politics and global culture.
But let's start with the economic side.
"Global free trade"
Large scale "free" (unrestricted) trade between regions (and therefore nations) requires not just unrestricted movement of goods and currency, but also labor (in other words, people).
This is disastrous to our cultures, identities, ethnicities, religions, etc.
People have to go to where the jobs are, where their particular knowledge or skill is needed, just as goods go to where they are demanded.
When you take division of labor to the extreme, pretty much everyone has to move away from "home" to work.
Bringing in a software engineer or doctor from India on an H1-B visa, which basically makes them an indentured servant, robs India of the human capital it needs as well as disemploys American natives who have the same skills (often better) but who can't work for slave wages.
Labor movement WITHIN the US has been destructive. I wrote a story to demonstrate it. People from rural Idaho have nothing in common with cosmopolitans, but if they have the aptitude for high intellegence work (like engineering), they are expected to move to where the job is.
The result is an atomized and rootless population. Mix in immigrants, and you end up with the modern urban gravel pit - nobody knows their neighbors, they have nothing in common with them, and they often don't even share a language.
On a large enough scale you lose all sight of what culture is - this is the point. "Multiculturalism" is actually global monoculturism, with the culture being determined by the global political machine.
The atomized individual can only be collectivized at higher orders - national, international, global - rather than what has been standard throughout history - the family, the clan, the tribe.
This makes organized resistance difficult, since nobody around you sympathizes with you.
No bonds of family (they are distributed throughout the country or world)
No bonds of faith
No bonds of language
No bonds of culture
Even extremely basic values, like the right to property, can't be recognized.
Borders become merely a political formality to determine which ministers are responsible for whom.
You MUST Have a large state for stability because there are no non-state entities that can regulate behavior.
How does your region rebel if nobody in it knows anybody else, and worse, if they did, they would hate their neighbors and want them dead?
This is the new globalism in a nutshell - everybody is mixed up.
There's more, though. What's the point? The point is to transfer wealth to the wealthy.
This is why everything is moving to rent. The paper-holders prefer to convert investments to rent, since it requires nothing ongoing yet yeilds them wealth.
Your house? Probably have a mortgage. You don't own it. Have to pay property taxes even then.
Your car? You have to pay the state to drive it on the roads they already built. They can seize it if you refuse - you don't own it.
Your body? Please! You have to pay tax on every dollar you earn with your body.
Hell, you're probably still paying down the loans you took out to get an "education" - something that techically doesn't exist. You're paying interest on something that is imaginary. You're renting your own mind.
More things are going to be rented - washing machines, furniture, computers, books, movies, games, TVs.
And the thing is, people will like it, because when you have to move every 12 months for work, owning things is a burden.
You have access to wealth, but you don't own it.
Large corporations don't want to sell you things anymore - they want to rent you things. That way they get the value of the thing (and more) without losing the thing.
This has the added bonus of giving them power over you. Say something naughty? They take away your stuff.
This year has seen the doubling and tripling down of this, as well as attacking any threat to this situation.
Church? Cancelled! No forming bonds of fellowship with neighbors!
Gym? Closed! No improving your body
Everyone hide your face in public!
Working from home, putting down roots, and improving your domestic life? They're going to fucking tax that, too.
Notice no matter how dystopian, they still want your kids in school? School is not multicultural - it strips culture from the students, so it has to stay.
Lastly, remember that viewing "The State" and state-licensed and protected corporations, which do what the state wants, as distinct entities is not accurate categorization.
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