Healthcare is not a right. College is not a right. A job is not a right. These are luxuries. Rights are inalienable. You know what inalienable means? Means no outside force can revoke it. Life and liberty are rights! 1/
If one were to take your life then that is tyranny. If one were to kidnap you and take your liberty that is unlawful. The constitution states these rights are intrinsic to our being. 2/
College is not a right. It is a luxury. Someone pays for luxuries. Whether it be the individual or another individual for another or even by increasing taxes and standard of living or someone else’s standard of living decreases. That is a payment. Not a right. It’s a debt. 3/
A man’s life his liberty does have a payment, it’s paid in blood. Whether defending or establishing. A man’s life that is sacrosanct from conception to death, is his, and his creator. A man’s liberty is his right, and what he deems necessary to bequeath to his creator. 4/
They are not luxuries. But enemies will tell you they are! That being alive, having life, is a luck of the draw and you should feel ashamed that you are proud of it. 5/
Is this true? Our creator knows the tapestry of history, beginning to end, he says what is deserved. And you being alive is proof he deems your life a right. Even dead, your life was your right to live. Your life serves a purpose. To bring glory to the creator. 6/
Temporary luxuries such as Healthcare and College are luxuries, that were not granted by our creator but by your government. Thereby proclaiming those as rights sets them as the creator, in a bastardization of the intent of the creator. 7/
So if life and liberty are unchanging nonrevokeable rights, that means good can come from them such as luxuries as healthcare and education. But it does not proceed it and it does not supplant it. 8/
The creator promises all that is in this world but one thing; tomorrow. Only he has that right. There is no right to tomorrow. So how is college a right if you were not born with it? How is healthcare a right if it does not sustain your life in perpetuity? 9/
They cannot because they are not rights but luxuries and when you start labeling them correctly and not redefine what inalienable is, we can never have a civil discussion about such topics. ~end~
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