All the angst about recounts, or election lawsuits, or states appointing their own slate of electors, or SCOTUS overturning the election, or the Senate refusing to "certify" the results, or Trump refusing to "concede", or faithless electors--

=ALL= of that concern is misplaced. Biden will be sworn in on Jan 20, and he will be President. Trump will be out.

That's not an issue, and NONE of that was in question after about Nov 5. It was never in question.

But that's not the problem.

The problem is that Americans now fear an election =could= be overturned, that elections can be declared illegitimate, that the loser of an election might simply refuse to step down, that power may not be peacefully and dependably transferred from one incumbent to the next.

That is the purpose also of the Trump Reich's refusal to allow the transition team to do the work it is required to do by law--to normalize the idea of one administration refusing to cooperate with the next.

That is the real danger.

We've been made to fear.

The point of this chaos is to call into question the dependability of democracy. This was the whole point of Russia's 2016 attack on our nation, and of Putin's support for Trump--to make Americans (and the world) doubt the stability of democracy.

=That we are even having this conversation= is the problem. That is the point. That we have been led to seriously consider any of the possibilities mentioned above, =that= is the problem.

We must face this truth.

Once you accept this fact--Trump, his presidency, and the Republican Party are, solely, completely and utterly, mere pawns in service to America's greatest enemy--all of the actions of the Trump Reich make sense.

The point is to weaken, and ultimately destroy, democracy.

Joe Biden will become President. Kamala Harris will become Vice President. For almost two weeks, no other outcome has ever been even remotely possible.

That we have been led to accept other outcomes =are= possible is a testament to the damage TrumPutin has done to America.

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