
Rachel Jankovic holds to Federal Vision views (“Obedience is faith”).

Jankovic’s father Doug Wilson wrote the Joint Federal Vision Profession which fleshes out FV views.

Even though Wilson has put the word out to not use the term “Federal Vision” anymore, it can be...
..understood by observing how Doug Wilson & Rachel Jankovic teach, speak, do church & live out their lives, that they & the rest of Christ Church members are Federal Vision. That includes Toby Sumpter (assoc pastor), Gabe Rench (deacon), David Shannon (Canon Press filmmaker)....
The tenets of the Joint Federal Vision Profession, which Wilson wrote in 2007 and reaffirmed in 2017, are:

• A 2-part justification process

• Theonomy

• Baptismal regeneration

• Paedocommunion (also known as infant communion)

• Emphasis on political involvement

Between 2002-2010, church officers from six (6) denominations in the National Association of Presbyterian and Reformed Churches (NAPARC) studied and wrote position papers condemning Federal Vision.

The denominations and their position papers are as follows....
(1)The United Reformed Churches of North America (URCNA)
“Report of the Synodical Study Committee on the Federal Vision and Justification”
(2)The Presbyterian Church of America (PCA)
“Report on Ad Interim Study Committee On Federal Vision, New Perspective, and Auburn Avenue Theology”
(3)The Orthodox Presbyterian Church (OPC)
“Report on Justification, Presented to the 73rd General Assembly of the Orthodox Presbyterian Church”
(4)The Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church (ARPC)
“The Synod Committee on Theological & Social Concerns”
Excerpt: “The ‘New Perspective on Paul,’ and the ‘Federal Vision,’ are in conflict with the teaching of Scripture and as such they are unacceptable”
(5)The Reformed Presbyterian Churches of N. America (RPCNA)
“The Reformed Presbyterian Churches of N. America Reject New Perspective on Paul, Federal Vision”
Excerpt: “That Synod DECLARE that we stand in solidarity with our Reformed and Presbyterian...
(5) RPCNA on Federal Vision (cont.)

...brethren in rejecting as contrary to the Scriptures as summarized by our confessional standards the theological views that are generally associated with the movements identified as ‘the New Perspective(s) on Paul’ and the ‘Federal Vision.’”
(6)The Reformed Church in the United States (RCUS)
“RCUS Study Committee on the Federal Vision’s Doctrine of Justification”

The RCUS paper in particular does an excellent job of explaining the errors, with Doug Wilson being singled out as being deceptive:
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