So this student loan debt forgiveness? I welcome it with open arms. I ended up over $100K in debt. I've paid off about 60K but am taking my time thanks to low interest rates. The rest of my debt wouldn't be forgiven because it was for grad school. That's fine. I'm not mad.
I took a very specific route after graduation career wise (e.g. "big law" because I had crippling debt). I was first generation college. Yeah, I had Pell Grants. I maxed out everything just to live. If I hadn't had debt, I may have done something different. I don't know.
I've been out of school for 17 years. I've still got 13 years to pay on my student loans before they'll be done. I'll have bought and paid off at least four mortgages by then. My loan is consolidated, but it's more than my car payment and I don't have private loans.
The vast majority of student loan debt is held by those who cannot afford to make a decision between a mortgage and paying their school debt. They often work while in school and still have debt (I did.).
I truly don't understand the anger coming from those who have already paid their loans off.
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