In honor of Jake Tapper maybe we can do an oral history of the last four years of gaslighting, obfuscation, and condescension by CNN. How many retractions? Lawsuits? Mistruths? Misinformation?
Has Mr. Tapper addressed the Russian Hoaxer, Adam Schiff, and his failure to produce evidence while he freely promoted conspiracy theories?
Hey Mr. Tapper, care to address the settlement with Nick Sandmann? You know the 16 yo your network tried to ruin. I'd like that included in your oral history.
Mr. Tapper, in your oral history of the trials (we need a sarcasm font) that CNN faced, did you include the time you castigated Nancy Pelosi for encouraging people to go into Chinatown at the start of the pandemic?
Let's not forget Christiane Amanpour accusing Trump of being Hitler. I mean, literally Hitler. WTAF - that's an oral history that will be fun to relive when Harris is President.
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