it's really funny to me when big 'content creators,' whose business model relies on the game making it easy for them to look good, try to make the game Suck Ass so they can get more hits.

Call of Duty doesn't NEED content creators, they don't sell the game.
I remember how a bunch of youtubers and streamers tried to push Bungie to make changes to Destiny (like 4v4s and no randomized gear) and it nearly killed Destiny 2.

When are you gonna learn? Content creators shouldn't impact your game's design. That will make it less fun.
Like, take sunsetting. Youtubers LOVED it. Why? Because the game, for them, is something they have to play a LOT. Because they play it a LOT, they have to get through content quickly (looking good at playing games is ESSENTIAL to being a streamer).

...take Datto, right? Datto was all like "oh no we can't have recluse all the time, waaah, I want to use something else." At any time, he could. Plenty of great guns out there. He chose to use that loadout. But he, and others like him, pushed Bungie into sunsetting.
Now me, an actual professional? I could tell you that people want to play games to build TOWARDS something. If you put them on an endless treadmill grind designed to work ONLY to entertain people who play the game Like A Job... most people aren't going to enjoy that experience.
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