
As someone who graduated with $40k student loans, the government should NOT cancel student debt for SO MANY reasons.

1. the poorest don't go to college. it's a transfer upwards, to the middle and upper middle class.
2. it's not fair. It's not fair to those, like me, who already paid mine off. Nor is it fair to those who didn't go, or went to a cheaper college, bc of the price.

3. what are the future incentives? Those in college will expect loan cancelation and rack up even more debt.
4. If your job can't support you paying off loans, then we need the market to adjust to a new equilibrium. It's wildly inefficient to spend so much on an education to prepare you for a not very valuable job.

5. The loans were a voluntary contract. a choice.
6. Government guaranteed loan programs have caused college costs to skyrocket. Loan cancelation will only make this worse.
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