I imagine there are lots of legitimate reasons to oppose student loan forgiveness, but "I worked hard to pay mine off so you should too b/c if you don't what's the point of my hard work" isn't one of them.
Honestly baffled by this rhetoric.
I left school in 2001 w/ $5000 debt & even that little bit felt horrible. I'd worked thru school both during summers & as student worker. Newly married, my husband didn't have debt & we both worked hard & were able to pay it off in 1-2 years. My parents helped as they could.
Only a decade latter, friends were carrying 2-3x that amount & 2 decades latter, it's only increasing, especially w/ expectation of post-grad work.
All that to say, it was grace that enabled me to pay off my student debt. Grace to have work in the first place, grace to have low enough debt, grace to have the support of friends & family. If grace comes to someone else in a different form, who am I to question it?
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