If you’re seeing healthcare workers talk about deaths from COVID19, know that this is not normal. Of course they see death, it happens. People die. They DO NOT normally see deaths at this rate. They don’t normally see patients on a scale where they’re thinking..1/
that several they’ve admitted will be dead in a week or two. That’s not NORMAL. They DONT NORMALLY have MANY patients at a time that are about to go bad, and fast. and they don’t normally have to worry about constant exposure to a virus that may land them in the same position.
Of course hospitals deal with death and critically ill. That’s normal. The influx of people in a small amount of time is not. Our system cannot sustain the need that’s building. On top of that we still have the typical issues such as MIs, strokes, bad fractures, wrecks etc.
It is VITAL that we mask up and try very hard to not require support from hospitals and spread Covid. The system can’t handle it.
It’s not the deaths, it’s the RATE OF DEATHS AND THE NEED FOR CARE. People die, everyone will eventually. But not like this. I have nurse friends who are exhausted and burned out. They leave shifts stunned at what they’ve seen. It’s not the flu. It’s not a cold. Mask up.
I do want to add that people need to consider the spread and what happens when our healthcare workers are quarantined or actively ill. We need staffing. That’s a problem. Maybe you don’t have Covid but you stroke out. Ok. Hope they’ve got docs and nurses who aren’t spread thin.
Typical issues haven’t slowed down. People still have MIs and strokes. Maybe they have a bad bacterial infection. You choose the issue. You need staff. Take them out? You’re short on those with knowledge to care for you, Covid or not. Mask up.
And for the love of god don’t have holiday parties!! Don’t. We cannot sustain what’s coming.
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