HAPPENING NOW: @ROWPublicHealth Medical Officer of Health Dr. Hsiu-Li Wang will give an update to Regional Council regarding COVID-19. Was scheduled for 1:30 originally. There will be time for media questions afterward. Stay tuned to this thread and @570NEWS for updates. https://twitter.com/570NEWS/status/1328412323778846725
Dr. Wang says we are in a serious situation, and spread has escalated rapidly. "We are speeding fully into the red zone. If we do not make major changes now, we will continue towards the Lockdown zone."
Dr. Wang calls for a dramatic decrease in social interactions in Waterloo Region. Asks residents to stay home except for absolutely essential reasons such as work, groceries, exercise. Also, calling for no more visitors to households except those who are essential.
"I am asking all Waterloo Region residents to help our community through the individual actions we take," says Dr. Wang. Says that what we do now will decide how we mitigate the length of serious restrictions. Notably says we WILL undergo serious restrictions no matter what.
Dr. Wang says our rates of infection have tripled in recent weeks. "Rising case rates are the tip of the iceberg," she says, saying the real consequences are what follow. "This is what COVID is like. It can, and has accelerated in our region."
She calls on residents to consider the virus as "widely circulating" in the community. If you have symptoms, self-isolate and make an appointment, full-stop.
NEW: Dr. Wang says Waterloo Region is one of the fastest surging areas in Ontario. @570NEWS
At the rate we're going in the province, Dr. Wang says we'll have a worse situation than that in some countries in Europe. Says the provincial projections might be lower than reality.
This is a dire, bombshell report from Dr. Wang, and the concern in her voice is very apparent. Based on what we have seen in other countries, the later we intervene in the epidemic curve, the harder it is to get it under control.
"We are clearly moving into the Red," says Dr. Wang, though hasn't said anything about her conversations with the Province yet. She's now telling council to be prepared to move into Red. More restrictions for bars, food establishments, gyms and fitness, team sports, and more.
Also restrictions for retail stores and shopping malls, personal care services, performing arts facilities.
Dr. Wang is pleading with the community to act now "even before we move into Red." Sounds like the Red zone will be more of a formality at this point. Again asks for people to stay home, limit social interactions.
. @Redman4Region asks people to reflect on their personal actions. "If you received a positive test today, how many contacts would public health have to reach out to?"
Redman has asked the Province for trained contact tracers. They are also deploying 30 provincial officers to enforce public health measures at businesses that have "let their guard down." This is a full response to WR from all levels of government.
Onto the media briefing: Dr. Wang says she's in discussions with the province on moving into the Red zone. No firm date yet, but the province is "well aware" that the region is speeding into the Red zone.
She anticipates we'll be moved into Red soon. Wants the community to be aware, and prepare for this on Friday. Still asking residents to start IMMEDIATELY to reduce social interactions, public health can't do it without our help.
Dr. Wang says our rates are now ahead of Halton and Hamilton, which are already in Red. She says she's willing to take additional steps like they did in Peel, but the question is what the best approach is locally.
If Dr. Wang makes additional restrictions without the province.. local businesses won't be eligible for some financial compensation from other levels of government. That's an important consideration.
Dr. Wang notes that our rates today reflect choices made 2 weeks ago. She says she's not quite sure what happened, but says COVID will take advantage of any vulnerability. Notes that rapid accelerating spread isn't a threat, it's already happening.
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