So many people spent so long excusing conservative votes by claiming to be “socially liberal, fiscally conservative” (as if that’s a thing that makes sense) that half this country cannot comprehend that they were “socially conservative, fiscally liberal” the whole time.
“I’m not a bad person, I’m socially liberal, fiscally conservative! You should totally have rights. Gotta vote my taxes down though, you understand.”

This was a totally socially acceptable position for decades, despite meaning they actually don’t care about rights, just money.
“Social liberal, fiscal conservative” always meant “I am fully enfranchised & my rights will never be up for debate so I want more money & what happens to you is not something I need to think about, gross, you can’t make me.”

But it was the standard “I’m an independent!” motto.
Practically the whole spectrum parroted this phrase whenever confronted with the effects of their votes.

Republicans, libertarians, independents, even some moderate Democrats.

Hey I’m socially liberal but fiscally conservative that’s a sensible thing to be so you can’t be mad!
They wanted to excuse the obvious evil of social conservatism while still voting for it.

Despite the fact that if you support liberal social policies you can’t be a fiscal conservative because those policies include a robust social safety net.
But you can ABSOLUTELY be socially conservative, fiscally liberal.

“Give me all the aid & programs & benefits but THOSE PEOPLE shouldn’t get any. Also women should stay in the kitchen probably, just to be safe. Other women, I mean. I should get to do what I want.”
A lot of the surprise I see at the election results comes from having been explicitly told most of the country was AKSHUALLY socially liberal for years

Turns out the thing no one claimed to be was the thing SO many really are. Even though we probably should have seen that coming
“Socially liberal, fiscally conservative” is not a middle of the road position. It’s just a conservative who lives in a city and still wants dates and friends & knows “I’m cool with Gilead if my taxes go down” is a real buzzkill for their nights on the town.
Florida voted for a minimum wage that is in the platform of the presidential candidate they did NOT vote for because they are fiscally liberal and socially completely fine with a massive loss of rights they assume will not include theirs.

Very simple. And, it turns out, popular!
As far as I’m concerned, as someone who has heard it near constantly all her life, social liberal/fiscal conservative does not get to be said unquestioned in my presence again.

Which social policies?
Which fiscal policies?
Which of A are you willing to trade for B?
And this goes for people who claim to be “the left” but give zero fucks for BIPOC, women, or LGBTQ+ & refer to any ideas that might help them as “identity politics.”

You’re not socially liberal either, you’re just economically left as long as it benefits you first.
In the end, liberal America got bamboozled by a dogwhistle that made it look like a large number of “moderate” voters were on their side socially when they were not.

And we have to wrangle with the fact that those conservatives are not just voting their wallets, but their hearts
Short version: a lot of people suck, don’t believe catchphrases about why they vote for more suckage, most of them knew what they were doing & slept fine on it.
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