The fundamental issue with the racist feminists is that they have no conception of why the social norms and institutions they're attacking
developed in the first place. They don't understand how and why "rights" developed. They are "moralf**s" who don't understand why morals
developed. Everything must be viewed from a social, not individual, perspective. Everything must be examined through the lens of what
makes a society survive and flourish, what makes a group up more competitive than other groups. "Marital rape" has more to do with the
institution of marriage than it does with rape. Why would a society allow a woman to absolutely and unilaterally turn a marriage into a
sexless and barren self-parody? How could a woman's absolute "right" to determine whether or not she has sex with her husband possibly
trump society's interest in the stability of marriages (sex) and families and survival into of the future (children)? I am a "softy"
in these matters, but we can only be soft where we can afford to be. Any proposed set of gender relations that is not fundamentally
grounded in biology and is not aimed primarily at the survival and flourishing of the group is UNSUSTAINABLE and doomed to fail, no matter
how "nice" it may be, or how much more palatable to women it may be. Every white country in the world has a SUB-REPLACEMENT fertility
rate. You can think nature is cruel or unfair, but you must obey it. The current system of gender relations in the West is not viable,
it is literally dying off.
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