10ish reasons why student loan debt cancellation is a W for the White Race: https://twitter.com/MisterBlackPill/status/1328405523427954689
1) 42% of 18-24 yr old Whites were enrolled in college in 2018 compared to 37% of Blacks and 36% of Hispanics (with the disparity likely increasing among higher degrees)

Source Dept. Of Ed, Condition of Education 2020
2) Blacks and Hispanics are more likely to be on income based repayment plans that forgive the debt after 20-25 years, with White borrowing factored in as making up the difference
3) Blacks and Hispanics are more likely to default on their loans. And since you cannot differentiate by race in lending, Whites are compelled to pay more and at a higher interest rate to make up the difference since, heh, good luck collecting.
4) Women cite student loan debt as part of their decision to delay having children, and outside of Asians White women have the highest average age of having their first child.
5) 21% of the 2015 American Student Assistance survey respondents, stated they have delayed marriage on account of student loans, and Whites are still the race least likely to have children outside of marriage
6) Per Gallup in 2019, 36% percent of employed women with children under 18 would prefer the homemarker role. Setting aside the fakeness of these polls and social pressure on women to be "girl bosses," that's an enormous number of mothers held hostage by J*deoCapitalism
7) As @RupertVonRipp points out, debt forgiveness means more of us willing to go into high debt field of law. Debt free lawyers would be less adverse to taking on the controversial cases of White Advocates. Debt forgiveness also means the lawyers we do have can do more pro bono.
8) Once Gibs are given, people tend to expect them, Conservatives don't dare touch Social Security & Medicare. Normalizing "little s" socialism, helps normalize National Socialism and the benefits of seeing their kids get out of debt will break Right Xers off the GOP plantation.
9) The ghay either/or "he who would trade security for freedom deserves neither" is anathema to radical poltics. PRECARITY is the primary method of Capitalist control, racial poltics are far more advanced in Europe where dissidents can rely on Gibs and universal healthcare
10) Anti-Usury is Anti-Semitism and while this probably won't force the lenders to write off the debt, it stigmatizes usury and give lending a moral condemnation, when the Finkle-parties have for the longest time attempted to separate "moral" and "econmic" questions.
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