Racism in the South African Indian Muslim community. A thread.
Growing up in a South African Indian community - you will constantly be made to believe that black people are inferior. This might be subtle or it might be VERY VERY in your face sort of racism.
Like.. You would see it in things like, black people would be our domestic workers but they aren't allowed to use our bathrooms??? Our dishes that they just washed, they aren't allowed to drink and eat from them??
Our domestic workers would be referred to using derogatory terms such as "maids".
Whenever we would go on holidays, for example to Durban - our grandparents and parents would pass comments like "we can't go to the beach there's too many black people" BRO WTF???????

"Black people are wild and uncivilized" bro???? They're literally just living their lives???
I am not kidding when I say this... My family LITERALLY said "we can't stay at this hotel there's too many black people". And they don't even realize their comments are racist??? What do I do? 😭😭😭😭😭😭
The worst of all comments "we were better off under apartheid" HOW DO YOU LACK SUCH BASIC CRITICAL THINKING SKILLS??!

Apartheid was better for who???? For white people?? For fucking privileged Indians that only care about themselves?
How can a system that deprived people of their HUMAN DIGNITY be a system that you would prefer??? I mean???
In an extended family gathering, my cousin-in-law literally referred to black people as "monkeys" and I wanted to punch her in the face. How can you be this ignorant and arrogant?? Read a fucking book. READ ABOUT HISTORY. READ BIKO. UNDERSTAND THE MENTAL ASPECTS OF OPPRESSION
A girl that I was in high school with once said to me... "I went to this university open day but it was full of THEM" so I was like huh? "them" meaning?? And she was like "you know, black people."

Dude??? Are black people not allowed to go to university??
Indian people are afraid of black people being equal to them. I said what I said. They are afraid of black people being within their spaces.
When black people fight for their rights and fight against oppression, they are "uncivilized" and "want handouts". But when white people fight, Indian people applaud them
When black students protested for #FeesMustFall, then again "black students want handouts". When Afrikaans students protested against Afrikaans must fall "they have a right to fight for their language"
In South African Indian communities, going to model C schools is a major achievement because "your children will speak like white people" tf??

WHITENESS IS NOT THE STANDARD. I promise you. Whiteness is NOT the standard of perfection and intelligence and all things good.
In high school, there was a girl that spoke with a so called "white accent" and the teacher would give her higher English marks than the rest of us because of her ACCENT?
I say again. Whiteness is not the standard guys. I know that colonialism has drove you guys into believing that whiteness is godliness, but trust me, it really isn't.
Sorry for rambling guys I just fucking HATE racism and racists😭😭😭😭😭
And it is exhausting having to deal with it every single day in my own household 😭 the most exhausting thing is that they aren't even willing to LISTEN
With her chest, my grandmother will say "black people are uncivilized" and I'm like??? Do you even think about what you say? Do you even know, can you even COMPREHEND the magnitude of the oppression that black people go through on a daily basis
They say "black people are uncivilized" simply means that you are bothered by the existence of black people. You are fucking racist. ADMIT TO YOUR RACISM. work on it. Make an actual effort to work on it. Ffa.
This is my biggest issue. People are unwilling to listen. They are unwilling to admit to the fact that they are racist. The sooner you realize it, the sooner we can overcome. READ. UNDERSTAND. COMPREHEND.
And since I am speaking as a member of the Muslim community. Y'all will doom people to hell for drinking alcohol and for clubbing, racism is also against our religion you know.
Keep the same energy bro.
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