Should Nikol Resign? A Thread

I agree that Nikol Pashinyan has proven to be beyond flustered under pressure, and similarly we may see a resignation from him soon that we saw of LTP in the 1990s.

But with that I ask you: do you know 1 politician that you suggest take his place?

I understand that many of us are new to Armenian domestic affairs, and especially during a difficult time like this many of the diaspora become immediate analysts, specialists, and experts.

But as of rn, I do not see the point of a resignation. Why? Stability.

After 2 years of decent — subpar nonetheless — transparent domestic affairs, we have a clear understanding that Pashinyan’s game at diplomacy has not deemed successful with numerous miscalculations of the international community.

But, what we are seeing from oppositions...

... looks daunting. Per my interview with Eric Hacopian, we agreed that Armenian institutions have no room for mediocrity. They must be strengthened. Regardless the next person in line, we must first have a proper candidate to even present. Because otherwise, it just turns...

... into the same cycle of getting rid of the person, instead of revamping the very institutions we have to offer.

The thought process of forcing a prime minister to resign during a delicate time in a post-soviet context where democracy is 2 years old is dangerous.

Because let’s say you get Pashinyan out of there — this is assuming that the majority of Armenian public is in favor for that because let’s be real, at the end of the day citizens in Armenia are making the decision — we still do not solve the core issue of weak institutions
bringing forward weak candidates. I.e. a representative from HHK, Prosperous, ARF may not have the backing of the majority of Armenia.

I think the diaspora needs to understand that these political institutions as of right now do not offer more than - we are not Nikol.

So when viewing this, we must understand that Armenian domestic affairs isn’t like the US where you vote for Biden because he’s not Trump, or vice versa.

No, unique Russian-dependent democracy is attainable. There just needs to be an understanding that bc Armenia ...

... gets rid of Nikol, doesn’t mean they solved the core issue. And one of the core issues we have is the impatience and immediate “get rid of him” mentality. I understand the agreement does not include ancestral lands. But, security wise — this agreement does more.

One of the main objective for Armenia, based off its geopolitics, is security. You have 🇹🇷 and 🇦🇿 on the other side.

The deployment of 🇷🇺 troops solved the security issue of 🇦🇲 & Artsakh for at least 5 years. Which, anyone that follows 🇷🇺 affairs, knows that 🇷🇺 ain’t leavin

Understanding the relationship of 🇦🇿& 🇷🇺, 🇦🇿 won’t even think about touching 🇷🇺 troops. We saw what happened with 🇬🇪& 🇺🇦.

Thus, this agreement almost acts as a true ceasefire more than an actual agreement. NK is guarded by 🇷🇺 and 🇦🇲 forces will now strategize accordingly.

And one of the core issues of security in Armenia is the NK conflict, which up until now you couldn’t have 🇷🇺 legally in NK... now you do. Which shifts the chess match, in case there are provocations by Azerbaijan with now three armed forces: 🇦🇲, 🇷🇺, and Artsakh.
13. Furthermore, 🇦🇲 for once has leverage over 🇦🇿 with economic highways running through its sovereign borders. Which, had Armenia been alone in NK, this would be an easy agenda for 🇦🇿 to push to its liking. However, 🇷🇺 will be monitoring the highway.

Lastly, it’s safe to say that this agreement includes territorial losses — for that, we can blame every politician from 1998-2020. But, the core points to address are security and stability. Security has been reached. Now can stability exist?

Tough to say. We’ll see.

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