So @SahilBloom was kind enough to come on my podcast.

He's taken Twitter by storm this year with his in-depth educational threads and his remarkable storytelling abilities.

I learned A LOT about investing from our conversation.

Who's up for a story?

1/ Modern education systems place no priority on financial education.

Everybody should know the basics of concepts like taxes, investing and inflation.
2/ There's that spot financial inefficiencies and profit from them naturally don't want to share.

So there isn't much incentive to share financial education.
3/ Talent is evenly distributed, opportunity is not. The way to solve that is through education.
4/ Some of the biggest things Sahil learned in life came through getting punched in the mouth.

Purely because of his mindset

Win or Learn > Win or Lose
5/ Punch the clock, show up day in and day out. Make sure people can count on you.
6/ Succeeding at something is going to be very difficult if you aren’t genuinely excited about working on it.
7/ Everybody should have a little bit of #Bitcoin in their portfolio. Bitcoin remains a massive asymmetric opportunity.
8/ It’s very hard to outperform the market long-term. Most people would be better off dollar cost averaging into index funds like the S&P 500 or Nasdaq-100.
9/ Two major things Sahil uses to grow as a person:

-Read a ton and very broadly
-Continue to develop your network so you get exposed to new ideas and people
You can follow @KoroushAK.
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