Van Tam is now saying there won't be a dramatic change until late Spring / early Summer next year - so next June (Spring) or July (Summer)?? They can't honestly expect to maintain compliance for another 8 or 9 months?
By next June/July - the time Van Tam now says is the earliest we should expect the vaccination programme to be allowing a material relaxation of restrictions - we'll hv bn living with massively distorted lives for 16-17 months. 68m people. For 16-17 months.
We could easily find we finish the current Wave & have a 3rd one before next June/July.
It can't seriously take 7 months to vaccinate the vulnerable can it? Conversely, the govt can't seriously be planning to restrict us materially even after the vulnerable have been vaccinated?
Once the vulnerable hv bn vaccinated, the COVID death rate will fall to under 0.05%. They can't seriously be expecting, after that is done, to maintain compliance with massive social restrictions for a disease that at that point will be less dangerous than a bad flu?
Someone needs to reign Van Tam in. He can't go around telling people we're not going to see any material change in restrictions until next late Spring / early Summer - 8 or 9 months away! He'll just induce widespread despair & abandonment of all attempts to comply.
If the govt's intending to start vaccinating the vulnerable in early to mid December, they need to start giving us an approximate view of how long doing the most vulnerable will take (what? 2 months?) & explain its plans for the phasing out of restrictions immediately after that.
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