Soldiers - what would you do if you noticed one of your battle-buddies was acting a little 'off' today?
Without using Google, what number would you call if you thought they were considering self-harm or suicide?
Do you trust YOUR first-line leader enough to talk about it?

Do you KNOW your friends' first-line leader well enough to talk to them?
What about YOURSELF? Do you have someone that you can talk to on days you're drowning inside your own head? (My DMs are always open, and I'm willing to bet about every leader on here has theirs open, too...)
The point is, none of us are immune to bad days. None of us can do this alone. I know that none of us want to be seen as "weak" or a "problem" - which might keep us from seeking help. (hint: it's not a weakness or a problem to get self-improvement)
We don't judge Soldiers for going to a gym to get stronger, a financial counselor to start an investment account, a church to become more spiritual, a mechanic to tune up their car, enrolling in college, etc. And we SHOULDN'T judge them for seeking behavioral health, either.
The answers might not always be clear, or easy, but we have to have the conversations about it. We have to TALK to each other. Even if you think someone is 'good' or 'fine,' how do you know?
I remember living in the barracks and rallying around our buddies when something happened (loss in the family, breakup, something at work). That's the point of This Is My Squad - having YOUR small group that you trust and who trust you.
As YOUR SMA, nothing would make me happier than going a full week without one of our Soldiers taking their own life. But we can't do it without each other. Take 5 minutes today and ask someone in YOUR Squad how they're doing - and don't accept "I'm good" or "I'm fine"...
There are tons of resources - many of which don't require unit intervention (if that's a concern) to get help. The same way you would practice 'immediate action' before going to a range, know how to connect to those resources.
Look out for each other, but also don't hesitate to let someone know when it's not going well.
You can follow @16thSMA.
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