So my hospital has a designated covid ICU and two hospital floors solely for covid patients. One of the covid floors have been calling code blues on their patients non stop for 72 hours now.
Everyone is flabbergasted. Our first wave of covid patients there wasn’t many code blues or rapid responses. Are these patients sicker? Are they waiting to come in the ER when it’s too late?
It’s 9 am and 4 different covid rooms have had code blues called. It is so sad to hear the codes called out (ICU break nurses from all icu departments are required to go help)
I just feel really bad for the staff on this particular covid floor. It’s almost 10 am and they’ve had to try and revive 4 patients already and have only been able to save 1. I don’t know how you go into work and deal with non stop code blues. And this is day 3 for them
We have no covid patients in my department but we took all our PPE to this covid floor because they need it bad. Every time they call a code all kinds of staff needs to gown up in PPE. We do not need N-95s at this moment. They do.
We know if people are revived because our over head operator will say “code blue all clear”. They’ve only called it 1/4 times. đŸ„șâ˜č
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