I was recently watching Episode 92 of LOGH to experience this scene again and I think it's one of the Greatest scenes in the show and that perfectly represents Reinhard is
I will be doing a short thread breaking down the scene

*Spoilers ofc so don't read if you havent seen
Reinhard has always been described different than ones that came before him or others in his opposition and lived up as the Admiral/King that doesn't hide behind other commanders and is always on the front lines, that's why this scene is perfect in its portrayal of Reinhard's
character as the man that leads from the front also the calm,composed and yet the prideful side is quite evident in the manner(Pushing aside Muller and others) and speech (Refers to himself here as Yo) Must say Horikawa does a really wonderful job here
The influence for this scene is likely a moment during Napolean Bonaparte's return from Elba before the 100 days rule where during the return to france he was stopped by a regiment of rebelling soldiers who aimed at Napolean. Unarmed, He walked in the firing range of the squad
Fearlessly Stared at them and said 'Here I am your emperor kill me if you wish to'(Accounts vary) after a brief silence the soldiers all lowered their guns and began shouting 'Vive l'Empereur' (Sieg Kaiser) and joined him as their real emperor
Another great thing about this scene in general is the soundtrack used(Not just the clip but all of its movements play during the entire scene) , Beethoven's Symphony No. 5 in C minor otherwise known as the Symphony of Fate as it means it's the sound of fate knocking on the door
It's perfect for the scene for it is known popularly as a symphony that also represents a triumph over adversity which is thematically fitting for the scene which is also overcoming an adverse situation.
Music placement is frankly one of the best yet least talked about aspects of the show, there is so much to break down just from this aspect of the show its insane
Must say this is easily Top 3 in the show and one of the best scenes ever for me in anything
(Thanks @WAIAOK for pic)
Hope you read it till now and found something interesting like I did, for those who've watched the show and especially those that like Reinhard more
I wanted to do a entire analysis on Reinhard but it's simply too long to do here maybe one day

Thanks for reading
Really tried to upload the video but twitter is really freaking trash for not allowing that so frustrating
But I hope everyone remembers or rewatches it anyway
Added it in QRT Amen
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