Fasting & its Health Benefits.

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Just like every machine needs servicing regularly, being the most complex machine on the planet, our body needs servicing regularly.
Ancient Ayurveda has given utmost significance to fasting. One such verse from the Ayurveda text is “Langhanam Param Aushudham”

It translates to “Fasting is the greatest medicine.”

Fasting helps our physical body to get rid of toxic substances in our bodies.
It cleanses the body from inside out.

On certain days of every month, our body doesn’t need food, it goes on a deep cleaning mode and if you pump food into your system on those days, slowly your body will deteriorate.
On these days you won’t feel like eating, even you can notice some animals or sometimes your pet doesn’t eat and that day mostly falls on Ekadashi.

Ekadashi is the 11th day after the full moon and the 11th day after the new moon.
Since the awareness of nature’s signal of fasting is lost, so they have set a specific day to reap the benefits of fasting.
Your body will naturally reject food around these days you are conscious enough of your natural cycle of the body.

By fasting on this day helps you to raise your spiritual awareness and will make you sensitive to something greater than you.
Stages and Benefits of Fasting according to Modern Science

- Stage 1: (0 Hour -2 Hour) Insulin Spike
In this stage, your body enters a process of breaking down glycogen, hence your blood sugar rises.
It breaks the glucose from the food you have eaten for energy with the help of insulin.

It stores the extra glucose for later use by the body.
Stage 6: Fat Burning (18 Hour - 24 Hour)
The longer you fast, the more fat you will burn as you go deep into the ketosis state.

Ketones signal the body to regulate metabolism better in stressful surroundings.
Stage 7: Autophagy (24 Hour - 48 Hour)
At this stage your body goes into Autophagy, meaning (self-eating) - The function of this stage is it removes or eats all the unnecessary cells and components helping your body to regenerate new healthier cells.
This is a stage that is activated during the time of extreme stress as a way to protect your body. This creates younger cells hence it acts as anti-aging.
- Stage 8: Increase in Growth Hormone (48Hour - 56 Hour)

Because of the presence of ketone bodies, the body slowly secretes growth hormones at the time of fasting.

This growth hormone helps the body to increase the lean muscle mass, repair tissues.
Since your body has been on rest from the process of digestion, do not break the fast-eating something heavy or deep-fried.
Initially, take a warm glass of lemons water with rock salt, then gradually increase the food intake. Eat light meals after fasting when you take your 1st meal.
I have been fasting for more than 2 years and my fasting routine comprises (16/8) fasting daily and 40+ Hours fasting on every Ekadashi (Twice a month). On the monthly fast, I take only water and my body becomes more energetic on the long fast.
This is not advice, it might not work for you. So experiment with various methods of fasting (OMAD, IF) and choose what suits you best.
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