at some point you realize your caregivers are little kids in adult bodies with adult jobs that never grew up & you are heading down the same exact path if you don’t make radical changes to how you show up & choose to exist in this world. the difference is emotional healing.
people are literally stuck in the worst days & thoughts & moments of their lives. & whoever you see before you is just playing out the past with you. half the time you don’t realize it. find out what storyline people are stuck in & you’ll see them clearly for the first time.
2020 is the year to get unstuck. you are not what happened to you or who they said you are. you are so much more. but the caveat is that you are whatever you tell yourself you are. you choose. don’t let anybody play out their pain with you & have you internalizing it.
2020 says get unstuck from people’s projections & their pain & their storylines. are you forever a character in their play or are you writing your own lines & living your own life?
every time “something bad happens” you play the same ol’ shit over in your head. when really life is giving you & opportunity to respond because you’re not 5 & you CAN handle it. own it. own the possibility that everything you want is on the other side of your responses to life.
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