So, vaccines. I worked for an IRB, meaning Independent Review Board. This is a third-party entity that oversees clinical testing of new drugs. No testing can be done without IRB oversite, and no testing can proceed without IRB approval. (1)
IRBs are generally made of a quorum of doctors and community members and specialists. They are staffed as needed, and follow strict guidelines for all stages of a trial. It is VERY EASY to fail a clinical trial. Most drugs fail the placebo stage. One failure and you are done. (2)
There is a long history of clinical trials, and a lot of bad stuff. IRBs are the answer. They keep trials ethical and ensure effectiveness. Are they perfect? Of course not. Nothing is. Stuff gets by that shouldn't. But they are much of the reason why we trust modern medicine. (3)
I used to teach an Ethics of Clinical Trials, course, by the way. There is a LOT of history that most people don't like to think about. Many people paid very painful prices for the modern world we enjoy.... (4)
Anyways, long story short, these vaccines have passed their IRB reviews. They are solid. The results are real. Peer review is a "nice but not necessary" addition. We can all feel VERY confident about these vaccines. The results are revolutionary. (5)
Breathe a gigantic sight of relief. We all deserve it. This is good folks. All good. If we can keep our heads until wide vaccine dispersal then this is going to be over. (6)
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