#GDR - Some thoughts ahead of tomorrow - the results will be till June 20 - not expecting amazing financials as upto till then we are aware of £1m odd c19 revs possibly another £1-£2m via small orders during the 4 weeks post CE approval...
#GDR - The key for me in tomorrow’s results will be the forward looking statements and post period end highlights - that’s where the savvy will be looking as to gauge an idea of where things are headed... FDA approval is the key here no two ways about it...
#GDR - Once approval is gained it’s the key that unlocks the Mbagger vault - we know there are indicated orders & verbal contracts in place awaiting sign off post approvals - just 5m tests will generate revs of nigh on £50m with 60 % profit margins - current MCAP = £32m odd. 🤯
#GDR - To summarise - not expecting great results but what’s to come is the key here - it’s always been about the potential from current market cap - DB pulls it off and we’re looking at Mbags - Beckman aren’t in bed with us for shits and giggles - I remain as confident as ever.
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