Christians, if your idea of diversity and inclusion is to add a few Black and Brown ppl then you are missing it. Diversity and inclusion are about ALL marginalized identities. Using a few BIPOC, who believe as you and act as you is tokenizing! Not diversity.

Proximity to intentionally listen and learn to those who are not like us, is the goal of diversity and inclusion. Your schools and churches aren’t diverse because you allow a few families of color, who’ve been deeply indoctrinated into white theology anyway, to participate.

That’s the appearance of diversity and it’s not really helpful for the purpose of equity, if anything it slows the journey toward liberation for ALL down. Optical and performative steps are harmful and regressive. Commit to doing better or stop pretending you are.

Want to talk about diversity, how about you pursue proximity to LGBTQ+ people, Muslim people, atheists, undocumented immigrants, disabled people, poor people... for the purpose of learning, not teaching or saving anybody. And then we can start talking about inclusion and equity.
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