So what does that look like in practice? I can't understand how it would work.

The New York times went to Kashgar and put together this interactive video feature. The reporters’ plainclothes minders are highlighted as they cross through the frame.
So 1 in 10 in people are disappeared. What happens to their children?

Their children are taken to state-run kindergartens. This extraordinary Vice feature was put together at great personal risk, undercover, and features footage of these kindergartens.
And that's it. That's my entirely subjective, not at all authoritative beginner's guide to the situation in Xinjiang. These pieces were picked specifically to be engaging, moving and interesting to someone with little or no knowledge of the subject...
... and it comes with my apologies to the many experts, academics, activists and journalists who I haven't featured, but whose work I continue to read and admire.
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