It's Love Boat time! #loveboat
With your guest stars, and no cheating by googling, sound off if you know who the unknowns are.
A Partridge!
I spy I Spy!
Every kid I went to school with's spank 🏩
And the whodafuqs.
David Cassidy is the assistant to the oil man who arranged the cheerleaders, and he is in charge of wrangling all the"special guests."
I am always here for Isaac roasting Gopher's Republican ass😂
This really needed video. It's difficult to describe how huge the Dallas cowboys cheerleaders were in the '70s and early '80s.
Even Doc's old ass thinks he has a shot
Exposition for the not-gay honeymooners
Oh good, I thought they were going to make them carry pom poms in every shot.
Schneider is an oil sheik. You're very sensitive portrayal is in store, I'm sure.
So, David Cassidy told sheikh Schneider he got him a big surprise, it's a chess computer, and he's asking this cheerleader to present it to him in his suite. What could go wrong?
I spy is married, but the woman on the left keeps hitting on him, so Julie and Vicky are going to try and set her up with doc so she'll leave the married dude alone because that's the only way you could possibly solve that.
Gopher got ghosted 😂
Meanwhile, this oil man is trying to coerce sex from one of the cheerleaders, which used to be an acceptable subplot in a sitcom. She was just complaining to her friends about him.
I must now go flagellate myself, Gopher made me laugh , God help me.
Yeah well, this went about how I thought.
Here, watch these cheerleaders while the one dude reveals that the other dude left his bride at the altar because she had an affair before she even knew him.
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