Some kosher Catholics say that since Luther was antisemitic, and since the NSDAP had more support in Protestant than Catholic regions of Germany, this proves that Protestantism is antisemitic.

Actually, many of the Protestant reformers, like Calvin, were largely pro-Jewish.
Whilst Luther was anti-Jewish, he was initially more philosemitic, he only woke up to the Jewish question later after he studied the Talmud.

And today, Protestants are overwhelmingly pro-Zionist and pro-Jewish.

Jews have historically been pro-usury, pro-Freemasonry,
pro-Communism, pro-pornography, pro-Zionism etc., things that are opposed to Catholic teaching. Freemasonry, occultism, usurious capitalism and Rothschild controlled central banking triumphed especially well in Protestant countries like Great Britain.

As for the fact that the
NSDAP performed worse in Catholic regions than in Protestant ones, that might be not as much due to their opposition to international Jewry and the banking system, but firstly, due to concerns about their policies like their support for eugenics, euthanasia and forced
sterilisation, secondly due to the fact that the Centre Party performed better there (the Centre Party claimed to represent the interests of Catholics, but was heavily infiltrated by Freemasons and other agents), and thirdly because philosemitism also began to infest people
claiming to be Catholics due to the influence of modernism. Keep in mind that the support of the National Socialists for evil policies like killing off ill patients and their criticism of the Jewish role in cultural marxism, soviet Communism and the banking system should not be
equated, since supporting euthanasia is a LEFT-WING policy, whilst exposing the Jewish role in the Frankfurt School and in Communism, as well as the role that international banking played in the Bolshevik Revolution, is a RIGHT-WING endeavour. This does not mean that the Germans
never persecuted Jews or that it's right to do so, my point here is simply that criticising the ADL, Judeo-Masonry, Communism and Zionism is specifically a RIGHT-WING talking point (although later some leftists embraced anti-Zionism as part of the Soviet Operation Sig
strategy.) Protestantism, in contrast, is revolutionary and subversive by its nature, since it opposes the tradition of the Catholic Church instituted by Christ, so if any Protestant is anti-Jewish, it is in spite of his Protestantism and not because of it. If Protestants were
more attracted to the NSDAP, it is precisely due to its left-wing aspects like being pro-eugenics and pro-euthanasia, rather than due to its right-wing aspects like opposition to usury and Freemasonry.
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