
Why hype isn't enough and how to make A LOT of money on your launch day.

If you want to sell something on Twitter, you need this.

Quick thread.
Building in public is not about hype. It's about proving it works.

Your sales page starts since the moment you start decide what to build.

Once you decide, think of the content you should be making as long term copywriting:
Agitate the problem with your content.

Promise me something bold with your product

Show the unique mechanism by why you'll achieve your big promise
Show a unique selling point. (What do you do outside Twitter that qualifies you to sell inside Twitter?)

Show an irresistible offer. Don't do discounts. Do add-ons or raise the price and tell people they can join now.

Show a big idea. Make it crazy. Make me think: "wtf really?"
The most important thing?


Share screenshots.

Lots of them.

Show me Before & Afters.
Show me how it works in your regular work.
Show me the results it achieved for the Average Joe.

The goal here is simple:

Sell people on your product before they reach the sales page.
There are A TON of ways you can do this.

1. "Leak" your product to people and ask them to take before & after screenshots.
2. Share a massive thread on the table of contents
3. Send an email to your list offering "Free Help" and get new ideas

The selling should be done before people even have a chance to buy.

Share more proof

Building in public = selling in public ≠ hyping in public
This thread is an example.

Out of the 20+ selling modules in Bow and Arrow, this is one of them.

I also have 7 more ways (and more incoming) in which you can pre-sell your audience and make some BIG $$$ on launch day.

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You can follow @OneJKMolina.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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