Ok, y’all. LOTS of big vaccine news & I know we all have Qs about what it means. Here’s what we know—& don’t—about how a vaccine will make its way across the US.

Let’s Break It Down: A Vaccine Distribution Thread™️ (hold on to your butts; it's a long one)

(1/14) #NPRShortWave
F) What about everyone else?

Ppl under 65, healthy & able to work from home, are prob last in line. Operation Warp Speed officials say they expect wide availability middle of next year (think summer 2021), but that's very optimistic. Other estimates say could be much longer.
H) The government has partnered w/ private companies to move big boxes of vaccines from storage to pharmacies & hospitals & places where people will get them, but there is one critical challenge ...
I) The 2 vaccines furthest along have to be stored in really cold temperatures. Especially the Pfizer once. It needs to be kept at least -70 degree Celsius which is close to the temperature of dry ice & those freezers are v costly.
J) Where’s all the $ coming from for this?

The fed government says they’re footing the costs of the vaccine itself. But there are LOTS of worries about distribution costs b/c there are other expenses like paying vaccinators, training, data systems, etc. https://www.npr.org/2020/08/17/903230927/science-economics-and-vaccines
K) A group representing state health officials sent a letter to Congress asking for $8.4 billion for for states, but additional $ has not been approved by Congress and we don’t know when COVID package might get through.
L) So who exactly is going to pay for this, and how much the states will have to bear themselves, is an open question. And a REALLY important one going forward.
AND A BIG FREAKING HAT TIP TO @Pien_Huang & @maddie_sofia for all of this reporting. Y'all rock. Go science! (14/14)
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