As someone who's done small AND solo Thanksgivings & Christmases before—by choice AND by abandonment! Though never due to pandemic, this is a new one—I'm offering my services to anyone who needs an assist figuring out how to not spiral okay?

First up, my 2020 Thanksgiving Menu🦃
Because I'm in a single-person household, and obviously not traveling, my pod of 3-5 people will be Thanksgiving-ing together. We're doing an all sides/all appetizers meal of sorts. Here it is!
And because I can't be with my chosen family in LA for Thanksgiving like I usually am, that group and I are planning to have a cocktail together via Zoom. It's not ideal but it's not nothing!
Now there's a chance that everything gets shut down and even the Pod-giving gets deemed unsafe, in which case I'll make stuffing waffles for myself, enjoy a cocktail, then take to bed with my Bravos stories at dusk (so: 4p).

Does that sound terrible to you? No, nor to me either!
You can follow @joliekerr.
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