We do know that student loan forgiveness benefits skilled trade workers too right? A lot of working class people have student loan debt so...please stop ignoring their needs to insist that this won't benefit them. Higher ed is basically mandatory for a living wage so...
Student loans aren't just for people with 4 year degrees. And I just realized how many people are saying that this won't benefit the working class because they don't know how vocational schools are funded. Do we need to talk about welfare to work & TANF access too?
Or community college? I mean, basically anyone who has looked for employment (blue, pink, or white collar) can tell you that any job worth a damn requires some college. Even if it is just 60 credit hours, that still costs money & loans are likely involved. Mostly federal.
I have a BA from UIUC & a MAWP from DePaul. I started in community college at Parkland. I used a mix of GI Bill, IVG, assorted other grants, fellowships, tuition reimbursement from work & loans to pay for my education. I grew up working class/lower middle class.
I lived in the projects in undergrad because I couldn't afford anything else. I have less debt than the average & we're paying for kid #1's expenses so that he won't have debt. I know that even if we aren't eligible for forgiveness it will help others. I'm good with that.
I personally favor tying public assistance amounts to inflation, raising minimum wage to a living wage & student loan forgiveness because honestly tackling poverty will require more than one change. We could push for all of these & UBI instead of balking at change.
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