First of all, none of us ran on "defunding police". No one. Not a one. If we had conversations about it, we discussed the need to put resources into better solutions that would *help* LEOs b/c they get called to situations that they're not trained to handle. 1/
Second, we weren't running to "kill oil jobs", we were running to *CREATE GREEN JOBS*. Unfortunately, as history of the coal industry has shown us, many politicians in both parties (obviously including Cuellar) are too fucking incompetent to see past their donors to handle the 2/
...transition from one to the other in a way that doesn't send workers to the unemployment lines. So here we are having the same convos, b/c guys like Cuellar won't tell the big donors to pound sand.

Lastly, I hope @JCisnerosTX runs again and takes him to the woodshed. /end
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